Oct 15, 2022
'Fitness Marketing - http://www.FitnessMarketingAcademy.com When it comes to new fitness marketing ideas and new creative fitness ideas, you need to have a few other things in mind. It\'s all good and well bringing in a flood of new clients, but do you have a plan to really funel them through your business, not just to get he best health and fitness results, but to maximize on the profits from each client in an ethical manner. There are 3 steps that separate you from being an Elite fitness marketer, or an fitness marketing chump. Watch the video and I will show you a 3 step strategy and mindset you can implement into your fitness business marketing plan to help you maximize not only the profits from each client. http://youtu.be/ykk7zGpRyzk Fitness Marketing'
Tags: fitness , marketing , elite
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