'I recorded myself actually working out, but then I figured I should also give some tips that I thought would also help people get in shape to supplement the workout video. I think if you take these tips and implement them in your everyday life, you will likely see a difference in your body. Fitness Tips: 1. Don\'t make fitness out to be a miserable chore 2. Find a cardio that works for YOU 3. Remember that fitness is not restricted to the gym 4. Stop being so lazy 5. Listen to your body & know how to adjust your workout plan accordingly 6. Find little times throughout the day or week to incorporate some form of a workout. Click here to see my actual workout video: https://youtu.be/ksWvWgn8D14 If you have any questions, comments, concerns, let it be knowwwwn down below in the comment section! If you found this video helpful, please reward me with a \"like\" :) Social media links: IG: https: https://www.instagram.com/ayegetitbroady/ Travel IG: https://www.instagram.com/kbadv3ntur3s/ Written Blog: https://kbadv3ntur3.wordpress.com/about/home/ Tumblr: http://kbadv3ntur3.tumblr.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KBAdv3ntur3/'
Tags: fitness , Weight loss , work out , body , muscle , fitness tips , fit , summer body , flat stomach , fit tips , excercise , how to stay fit , How I stay fit , how i work out
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