'National Food Strategy Youth Consultation'

02:20 Mar 16, 2023
'As part of the citizen engagement in the National Food Strategy, The Food Foundation carried out consultations with young people around England exploring the issues that young people care about. 426 young people came together in 24 workshops at 15 secondary schools and 9 youth groups to discuss food in relation to their health, the environment and affordability.  A final national workshop was held online, bringing together 22 of the most engaged young people from the first round of workshops. Guests included Henry Dimbleby, members of the National Food Strategy team at Defra, Members of Parliament, and a representative from a major supermarket.  The priorities that emerged from the young people were:  Education – There was a strong call for more education about the food system and its impact on our health and the planet to be included in the curriculum and more teaching with cooking skills and nutrition being a priority from an early age. They also called for more advertising of healthy foods and clearer consumer information.  Action from policy makers, Government and Businesses to transform the food system through legislation and business practices to include greener agricultural policies, shifts in consumer diets, greener packaging and promotion of locally sourced food.  Affordability – Call for everyone to have access to an affordable healthy and sustainable diet and for food poverty to be a priority. Focus should be on investing in healthy food businesses, support for low income households and systemic change to remove wealth inequality.  You can red the full report here - https://foodfoundation.org.uk/publications/ And listen to the two podcast episodes about the consultation here - https://shows.acast.com/right2food/episodes' 
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