'Get Sexy and Toned Glutes with my booty series, this is #4 in #bootyseries and this time around we are using bands. IF you dont have any you can still do these booty moves! Im telling you, i am 45, a mom of three and if you eat right, drink water and cut out the sodas totally from your life you can beat cellulite and feel fine. Try it. But, you have to be consistent and patient with yourself. Okay... Move 1 Glute Bridge, knees in&out Move 2 single leg bridge L/R Move 3 reverse pulses L/R Move 4 squats Move 5 lateral raises L/R Move 6 static squat knees in/out Move 7 squat pulses Move 8 lying leg reverse pulses Try to do this set 2x , more if you can! Have a beautiful day Disclaimer: workout at your own risk'
Tags: fitness , womens health , glutes , aerobic , strength and conditioning , resistance bands , glute exercises , exercise bands , personal trainers , elastic bands , booty band workouts , booty moves , Exercise channels , female workout trainers , barefoot workouts , sexy butt workouts , toned booty moves , atlehtic
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