'FP\'s Subnautica Adventure Part #44 (Blue Swimmer Needs Food Badly)'

'FP\'s Subnautica Adventure Part #44 (Blue Swimmer Needs Food Badly)'
15:39 Jun 21, 2023
'If you want to play this awesome game here is its steam link. http://store.steampowered.com/app/264710/  And here is the home page as well. http://unknownworlds.com/subnautica/  For the playlist of my adventure from the start go here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHskDo5eOE0wlM5OikN_z-iE95HdX7IU-  For the playlist of my adventure from the Farming update go here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHskDo5eOE0xoMpq0IEKs9IqxqTga6Xfq' 

Tags: adventure , Swimming , survival , Open World , pc game , sea base , subnatica , Ocean World , Fade Panther , FadePanther , stasis gun

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