'Spring Picnic Lunch Box Idea : cabbage sandwich, avocado salad, rice ball 봄소풍 도시락 만들기 | SweetHailey'

06:29 Jun 27, 2023
'Hello, It’s hailey with springy-vibe video :D This time, I made some picnic lunch box for picnic! Spring is perfect weather for picnic I think. Cuz you don’t have to worry about your food go bad.  I prepared lunch box with 3 layer 1st layer : cabbage sandwich 2nd layer : sausage-rice cake skewer 3rd layer : avocado tomato salad, fruits(strawberries, orange)   Cabbage sandwich is inspired by Korea movie ‘Little Forest’. Actually this movie is remake by Japan movie ‘Little Forest’. Both movies are lovely, so you should watch those :) While I chopped the cabbage, my chopping skill was soooo bad.. so I hope you guys understand that haha I love this crunchy texture and eggy taste, I think it is one of my favorite sandwich so far!   When I made spring rice ball, I add spinach and pigweed leaves. You can easily find spinach almost every country, but you can hardly find pigweed leaves I guess. If you don’t know what is pigweed leaves, this is one of spring vegetables in Korea. It has unique smell like coriander or sesame leaves(kkaennip, perilla. It’s like great-great grandfather of coriander). You can substitute pigweed leaves to coriander or other vegetables. And I recommend to add chopped bacon! It taste like just AMAZING.    

Tags: Cooking , Recipe , baking , salad , sandwich , picnic , hailey , 베이킹 , 샌드위치 , lunch box ideas , avocado salad , 도시락 , 소떡소떡 , 홈베이킹 , Cabbage sandwich , 스위트헤일리 , sweethailey , sweethaley , 스윝헤일리 , 헤일리 , 타파웨어 , 소풍 도시락 , 봄소풍 , picnic lunch box , spring picnic , 타파웨어 도시락 , 소풍 도시락 만들기 , 아보카도 샐러드 , 양배추 샌드위치

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