'How to Pierce Your American Girl Dolls Ears!'

03:54 Jun 29, 2023
'I thought it was time for a new updated how to pierce your American Girl Dolls Ears! I have been doing this for some time now on my own dolls, my cousins dolls and now on my cousins, cousin doll which you see in this video. Be sure to ask a parent for help and for permission before attempting this. Have fun!' 

Tags: how to , tutorial , grace , dolls , AG , Animation (TV Genre) , Tutorial (Media Genre) , Doll (Collection Category) , American Girl (brand) , GOTY , saige , truly me , isabelle , molly , doll fashion , pierce , Body Piercing (Hobby) , BeForever , Earrings (Consumer Product) , 18inch , doll ear piercing , Ear (Anatomical Structure)

See also:
