'FNX Commercial'

'FNX Commercial'
01:00 Sep 8, 2023
'Whether at the gym or at home, now is your time to make a difference. Refuel with FNX.  Use my link to get 15% off from the whole store: https://fnx.grsm.io/themasoom OR Use my code \"themasoom\" at checkout for 15% off!  Camera Operator.........Cristian Grimaldo Voice Actor..................Daniel Saunders Equipment Help...........Hanifa M  Thanks to Hanifa M, Cristian Grimaldo, and Daniel Saunders for making the video what it is!  And don\'t worry Hanifa/Cristian... I\'m going to make versions with just you guys from the footage I have.  Cristian\'s Instagram: (Personal): @cristian.g.98 (Photography): @cristianfotography  Daniel\'s Instagram: @iamdanielsaunders  Hanifa\'s Instagram: @hanifa23  P.S. The link/code won\'t cost you any extra money. The link is affiliate, meaning I just get a commission from FNX for your purchase.' 

Tags: healthy , motivation , exercise , Health , work out , SPORTS , movie , work , drink , Premiere Pro , indian , fast , running , COMMERCIAL , epic , Strive , supplements , cinematic , motivational video , Edit , white shoes , editing , teenager , punching bag , field , Feel , school project , indian commercial , video project , Masoom , indian kid , FNX , handwraps , football field , fnx fit , drink commercial , FNX commericial , masoom m , fence jumping , masoom mohiuddin , themasoom

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