'How to apply \"Cover Up\" or \"Camouflage Makeup\" Party | Judith August Cosmetics Website: http://judithaugustcosmetics.com ((Please subscribe to our channel, we want to make more friends!)) Got something to hide? Take a peek into our coverup and camouflage makeup party where Judith August demonstrates her extraordinary concealing makeup products along with her time tested techniques. Please keep in mind that Judith isn\'t called the \"Queen of Camouflage\" for nothing...she is a Pioneer in makeup technology, and many in the entertainment industry as well as surgeons often recommend using her line of makeup...because she is the BEST! \"Whether you are in your 20\'s and 30\'s concerned about under eye circles or 40\'s, 50\'s and beyond carrying under eye baggage, please know it\'s true, \"Everybody\'s got something to hide\" The point is, no matter what your age, don\'t give up. It\'s exciting to know that the modeling techniques I learned will help you to put your best face forward; it\'s really a matter of emphasizing the good and minimizing the bad. As you follow the simple steps within this video, I know you will see amazing results and truly feel good about the face that looks back at you from the mirror.\" Stop by www.JudithAugustCosmetics.com and find the products that are right for you! If you have dark under-eye circles, acne, scars, age spots, bruises, birthmarks, broken capillaries, port wine stains, veins, vitiligo, rosacea, or tattoos, we can help!'
Tags: cosmetics , makeup , Party , color , acne , circles , skin , make , up , under , dark , Eye , concealer , Cover , hide , tattoos , rosacea , coverup , sensitive skin , scars , Corrective , Surgery , age spots , conceal , scar , freckles , vitiligo , VEINS , Bruises , camouflage , conditions , concealers , sun spots , varicose veins , cosmetic camouflage , post-op , judith august , gotcha covered book , Killer Cover , ERASEZIT , orange masking creme , birth marks , the everthing pencil , buising , port wine stains
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