'If you\'re looking for easy, fast recipes to bring to a picnic, Chef Ajay Chopra has some great ideas for you. Grilled chicken wrap is a popular Arabic Recipe. Its irresistible smoky flavor, when blended with cold Tzatziki, makes your picnic a relishing one! Wondering what Tzatziki is? Made with strained yogurt, cucumber, garlic and olive oil, Tzatziki is a Greek Sauce and is always served cold with chicken wraps. Stay Connected with #fame on: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LiveOnfame Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/LiveOnfame Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/LiveOnfame Snapchat: liveonfame Liked this recipe, share it on Facebook: http://goo.gl/uiomcl Share this video with your friends on Twitter: http://goo.gl/gQd62K Click here to share it on Google Plus: http://goo.gl/LDmXAx In this video, Chef Ajay Chopra shares the recipe of Grilled Chicken Wrap with Tzatziki. Ingredients needed for preparing the recipe are: - 3 Cucumbers - Salt as per taste - 2 Chicken Breasts - Juice of one Lemon - 1 pinch Cinnamon powder - 1 pinch Black pepper powder - 1 pinch Cumin powder - 1 tsp Sumac powder - Garlic 4-5 cloves - 1 tsp Mint - 1 tsp Roasted Cumin Powder - 100 gms Hung Yogurt - 1 tbsp Olive oil - 2 Tortillas - Few leaves of Iceberg lettuce Finally serve it with cold Tzatziki dips. If you like the video don\'t forget to share this video with your friends, hit the like button and comment below. Try out Exotic Chop Chop Chopra Recipes at: http://goo.gl/VhI5v4 Chef Ajay Chopra will hit your kitchen every Tuesday and Thursday with his Chop Chop Chopra Magic on YouTube. Subscribe to Chop Chop Chopra to stay updated with finger-licking recipes: http://goo.gl/2RTNKO'
Tags: how to , Food , Chef , How to cook , How to make , Chicken , grilled chicken , chicken recipes , food recipes , cuisine , Non Veg Recipes , grilled chicken recipe , tzatziki , picnic recipes , picnic ideas , chef ajay chopra , ajay chopra , chop chop chopra , EASY PICNIC RECIPES , yogurt dip recipe , chicken wraps recipes , picnic recipe ideas , Yogurt Dip , grilled chicken wrap , grilled chicken wrap recipe , grilled chicken recipes easy , how to make yogurt dip , greek yogurt dip , tzatziki chicken
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