'Fitness Soul Podcast #3 - 100 Rep Challange - Rannoch Donald'

'Fitness Soul Podcast #3 - 100 Rep Challange - Rannoch Donald'
37:42 Oct 31, 2023
'https://fitnesssoul.co.uk/100-rep-challenge-rannoch-donald/ 100 Rep Challenge essentially comes in two pieces; this 100 Reps which is really about everyday activity, just about getting moving. We can make it prescriptive, we can make it about specific moves, or we can essentially say that this ongoing 100 Rep Challenge I\'ve got which is about everyday activity. Today it might be that I\'m going to take the stairs rather than take the lift. It could be simple things like one of my favorites is never using the shopping trolley; always using baskets. I think that\'s a big thing.   The 100 Rep Challenge is finding different ways over the course of a day to increase the amount of movement that you do. The actual challenge itself, again, is a personal one. When I originally did workshops, I found that people would come along and learn a set of skills but would struggle as how to put these together effectively. For the average human being we don\'t need convoluted periodization; we just need consistent practical effort. So what we did was we set a baseline of activity in terms of what the average person should be able to train for and do. The original challenge was 10 dead hang pull-ups, 30 push-ups and 60 body weight squats. So what we did was we had 100 Reps.  www.100repchallenge.com  Rannoch Donald: writer, movement maverick, facilitator, dot joiner, beginner’s mind, beginner’s body… Actively helping individuals and companies connect with health and well-being through movement. Founder of the 100 Rep Challenge, promoting Every Day Activity, as featured in Mens Health and Mens Fitness. 100 Rep Challenge is a featured event at this years Scottish Fitness and Nutrition Expo in Glasgow (August 2014).  Co Founder of Earth Strength – Move the Body – Still the Mind.  www.fitnesssoul.co.uk' 

Tags: fitness , diet , Health , challenge , 100rep

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