'The Heroes of the Storm Fitness Routine! Instagram: magnusbeasticus Twitter: magnusbeasticus Facebook: Magnus DeLions or Team_SASA ROUTINE Waiting for Teammates - Stretch While you are searching for a game and your game is loading - Push-ups. Push yourself. Do almost as many as you can. Time before match starts...if you are not too busy killing the muscle goblin, that is - 10 dips if you have a computer chair. Make sure that your chair’s arms can hold your weight. 10 sit-ups if you are on an exercise ball After Game - Pull-ups (have an alternative(table pull-ups(have a stable table))) Again push yourself. During Death - Computer chair: Plank until you spawn. If your core gets clobbered by the end of the game then just hold your legs out until you spawn. Exercise Ball: Do sit-ups until you spawn. Towards the end of the game if your core is crying then just lean back on the ball until you spawn. Summon Mount - Sit-up into a calf raise Auto Run - Hold legs out infront of you Hearthing Safely - Jump squat a couple times(use your own discretion) I can usually get out 3. Turning in Stuff Safely/Capture an Objective - Hold a slightly elevated squat TIPS and ALTERNATIVES Clear Space Have a Towel Have Water You can change the angles and speeds of most exercises to target your muscles in different ways.'
Tags: fitness , Workout , abs , loss , lose , Physical Fitness (Industry) , Physical Exercise (Interest) , video , The , game , pc , Wow , WORLD , program , of , team , Video Game (Industry) , Activision , Blizzard , warcraft , Heroes , storm , wieght , Hots , sasa , teamsasa , World Warcraft , Real-time Strategy (Media Genre) , vgfp , Blizzard All-Stars (Video Game)
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