'Disclaimer: THIS IS NOT A HEALTHY OR SUSTAINABLE WAY TO EAT. This is extremely low calorie and no one should be eating this amount. Today I walk you through my old contest prep diet! I can NOT believe I every ate like this. I am so grateful for how far i\'ve come! I hope this gives you insight on why your quality of life will always be more important the your physique! RELATED VIDEOS: WHY I WILL NEVER BE A BIKINI COMPETITOR https://youtu.be/_0EDkxXNtKE MY EATING DISORDER STORY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cz3vep6QZKY&t=994s WHAT I CURRENTLY EAT IN A DAY! BALANCED + REALISTIC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwENFIhOCgU&t=873s ONLINE TRAINING + NUTRITION COACHING [email protected] * Email me and let’s chat about your goals! (: FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/rachelhughesfitness/ LINK TO 64OZ WATER BOTTLE https://amzn.to/2USqzNO LINK TO BUILT BARS: https://builtbar.com/?baapp=RACHELFIT10 CODE: RACHELFIT10'
Tags: Lose Weight Fast , how to lose belly fat , clean eating , healthy recipes , online coach , full day of eating , meal prep ideas , how to lose fat , eating disorder , contest prep , Bikini Competition , how to track macros , healthy meal prep ideas , bikini prep , bikini prep diet , eating disorder story , unhealthy diet , bikini competition prep , contest prep diet , clean foods , prep die , prep meal plan , bikini meal plan , contest prep meal plan , recovered eating disorder , rachel hughes
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