'NAMASTE TO ALL Backbends are to be felt more than expressed. The other postures can be expressed and then felt. Like in meditation each person has to feel backbends. 20 MINUTE DEEP STRETCH FLOW | #deepYogaFlow | #MasterClass | #PraveenYoga MASTER CLASS WITH @YogaWithPraveenKumarVerma Back-bending Variations With Deep Full Body Stretching Intense Level Stretching Of Full Body 20 Minutes Of Intense Back-Bending Flow Naturally a healthy spine is a flexible spine. Backbends allow us to reverse that trend and get the back bending in the opposite direction which keeps the spine flexible and healthy. Backbends also provide a little compression or massage for the kidneys. This compression can help to keep the kidneys flushed. Lower stress and anxiety Improve posture + spine flexibility and mobility Stretch out abdominal muscles Increase oxygen levels + open the body to diaphragmatic breathing Help alleviate back + neck pain As always practice safely, pay attention to alignment and don’t force it FLOW OF BODY BALANCING WITH TECHNIQUE. Back-Bend Variation Side-Bend Variation Camel Pose Crow Pose 3 Legg Downward With High & Low Lunge, Side T-Pose [ Both Side ] Forward Bend Standing Side Bending Both Of The Sides Forward Bend Spinal Twist Variation In UTKATASANA [ Both Side ] Forward Bend Downward Facing Dog To High Plank Variation With Upward Facing Dog [Both Side ] Extended Child Pose SHASVASANA [For Relaxations Of Body] #backbend #spinemobility #spineflexibility #camalpose #sidebackbendings #downwarddog #upwarddog #crowpose #yogavariations #bendingvariations #yoga #flexibility #yogapractice #flexible #contortion #yogainspiration #yogaeverydamnday #yogachallenge #yogalife #contortionist #yogalove #yogaeveryday #fitness #yogapose #backbending #yogateacher #yogi #stretching #handstand #yogaeverywhere #backbends #heartopener #bendy #gymnastics #flexibilitytraining #asanas #yogajourney #yoga_addictions #yogafittness #yogafun #masterpraveen81 #praveenyoga #YOGAWTIHPRAVEEN FOLLOW ME :- YOUTUBE - PRAVEEN YOGA ACADEMY INSTAGRAM - @masterpraveen81 FACEBOOK - MASTER PRAVEEN KUMAR VERMA FB PAGE - PRAVEEN YOGA ACADEMY DM/WHATSAPP:- +91 9306018704 VISIT OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL & SUBSCRIBE THE BELL ICON STAY TUNNED WITH @PRAVEEN YOGA ACADEMY KEEP PRACTING EVERYDAY STAY SAFE STAY HOME STAY HEALTHY STAY CALM OM SHANTI
Tags: yoga , intermediate yoga , Indian Yoga , yoga for all , praveenyoga , yoganow , yoga master praveen , jai yoga , yoga with praveen , yoga now praveen , yoga love , yoga for love handle , deep yoga , yoga for student , yoga for teacher , yoga in vietnam
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