'The Neuro Heroes Community Exercise Fund'

'The Neuro Heroes Community Exercise Fund'
01:01 May 26
'Why wait to help people with Parkinson\'s get active, and reap all the benefits of doing Parkinson\'s specific exercise?   Neuro Heroes classes are run by neuro physiotherapists brimming with enthusiasm, encouragement and expertise. The Neuro Heroes Community Exercise Fund in partnership with Parkinson\'s UK allows people who meet the criteria who live in the UK to join six classes for a total cost of £15. Read more on the criteria and how to apply here:  https://www.neuroheroes.co.uk/community-exercise-fund  #parkinsons #parkinsonsexercise #pdexercise #pd #parkinsonsdisease #parkinsonsUK #parkinsonsnurse #pdnurse #parkinsonssupport #parkinsonsawareness #pdfitness #exerciseforall #exerciseismedicine #accessibleexercise #neurophysiotherapy #neurorehab' 
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