'At 23rd June 2018 in Merkers (Germany) an worldwide unique event takes place 500 m under the surface. With its unique environment it is one of the best Zumba Events worldwide. After a brilliant world premiere in 2017 this year the adventure continues with ZES Steve Boedt, ZES Kass Martin, ZES Mylgia van Uytrecht, ZES Jaromir Cremers, ZJ Roland Schmid, ZJ Yuliyan Vasilev, ZIN Jon Martin and YouTube-Star ZIN Dovydas Veiverys. Get your ticket now at party@sandra-Kretzing.de'
Tags: zumba fitness , ZUMBA , germany , world record , steve boedt , kass martin , Zumba with Dovydas , june 2018 , dovydas veiverys , dovydas , Merkers , Mylgia van Uytrecht , Jaromir Cremers , Roland Schmid , Yuliyan Vasilev , Jon Martin , Sandra Kretzing , Zumba in a mine , 23.06.2018
See also: