'India\'s prime minister, Narendra Modi, has shared a video showing a 3D animation of himself teaching yoga to the nation. Modi, a yoga enthusiast, demonstrates tadasana, also known as mountain pose, in the video published on his official YouTube account Subscribe to Guardian News ► http://bit.ly/guardianwiressub Indian PM Narendra Modi releases YouTube video of yoga poses ► https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/mar/29/indian-pm-narendra-modi-releases-youtube-video-of-yoga-poses Support the Guardian ► https://theguardian.com/supportus The Guardian ► https://www.theguardian.com The Guardian YouTube network: The Guardian ► www.youtube.com/theguardian Owen Jones talks ► http://bit.ly/subsowenjones Guardian Football ► http://is.gd/guardianfootball Guardian Sport ► http://bit.ly/GDNsport Guardian Culture ► http://is.gd/guardianculture Guardian Science and Tech ► http://is.gd/guardiantech'
Tags: yoga , News , animation , India , 2018 , meditation , indian , WORLD , religion , ASIA , politics , gdnpfpnewsworld , Prime Minister , Narendra Modi , gdnpfpnewspolitics , yoga poses , yoga pose , hindu , the guardian , yogi , Yoga with Modi , hinduism , india yoga , modi yoga , indian government yoga , yoga tadasana , yoga mountain pose , yoga funny , narendra modi yoga , narendra yoga , modi yoga pose , modi tadasana , modi mountain pose , modi yogi , yogi modi , narenda modi , tadasana
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