'John 1:1,2 Devotional Exercise - Part 2, Christian Fitness in 4K'

'John 1:1,2 Devotional Exercise - Part 2, Christian Fitness in 4K'
13:59 May 23, 2021
'Have and Ahaa moment! Be sure to do part 1 first. Gentle stretching in both standing and seated positions. This is the seated stretch, part 2.  (See part 1 here: https://youtu.be/wL1Jspk9Oto) This video is about Meditation Monday, stress management with gentle, multi-layer stretches to Scripture. I demonstrate each exercise in beginner, intermediate and advanced versions. But in WholyFit we call it Layer 1,2,3 because you can choose which version of the exercise you feel like doing TODAY whether you are a novice or an expert! Listen to your body and proceed accordingly! This video is intended to be a workout. If you do the workout you will understand the video because you will feel the wonderful stretching and be uplifted. If you simply watch, you will not understand the beauty of it. WholyFit builds incredible strength and flexibility but is extremely gentle. Try it to really understand it! Enjoy Devotional Exercise on the WholyFit Christian Channel on YouTube Fitness!   I started doing WholyFit to combat chronic illness and clinical depression. It’s my holistic way of seeking wellness in body, soul and sprit.   This video also serves as teacher training for continuing education for WholyFit Certified group fitness instructors and fitness trainers.  Please share!Thanks for watching! Blessings, LaLa, WholyFit Founder  WholyFit -  Fitness for the Whole You for 20 years; a non profit ministry of Fitness Pros for Christ  Donations appreciated: Please click the \"i\" in the upper right hand corner of the video  How to Join Our YouTube WholyFit Community:  Subscribe - click here https://goo.gl/KxZtLn (or click the WholyFit icon in lower right corner of every video)  Get email notifications by clicking the Bell icon (by the “subscribe” button)  Turn on Reminders for Premieres and Live scheduled events (set reminder on each scheduled premiere and live video coming soon)  Comment (under description)  Share (lower right corner under video)  Like (thumbs up in lower right corner under video)  Add subtitles (see the training video at https://youtu.be/FiRXAYNg1OY)  Add translations (click 3 dots in lower right hand corner under video)  #wholyfit #whollyfit #holyfit #wholyfitlife #dancinggramma' 

Tags: fitness , exercise , wellness , Health , Health and fitness , Christian , TRAINERS , fit , stretching , meditation , depression , anxiety , bible , Certification , holistic , support , Jesus Christ , Certified , Chronic illness , Bible Study , support group , Continuing Education , fellowship , christian channel , Christian fitness , group fitness instructor , gentle workout , scripture , christian workout , Christian Exercise , stretching workout , Teacher training , wholyfit , wholly fit , whollyfit , body soul spirit

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