'10 tricks all Instagram models use to trick their followers Subscribe: https://goo.gl/Hnoaw3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Instagram models are everywhere. It seems like someone is always coming out with a new workout regimen or diet that is supposed to help people shed weight super quick. But are those diets and workouts actually giving these models the bodies they are showing off or is it all fake? Here are 10 Fake Instagram Fitness Model Tricks Exposed! First of all, posture is everything. Instagram models never take a photo while slouching because they know it will make them look bigger. If they are sitting in a photo, they will lean forward and angle their shoulders in a way that will stretch their stomachs. Secondly, some of these models are contouring their stomachs and other body parts. Contouring is an easy way to make yourself look thinner. Most people only use this method for their faces, but fitness models tend to take it a step further. Lastly, many models like to take before and after pictures to showcase their progress. A lot of the time, these pictures are actually taken on the same day. Before they take the “before” picture, they will just eat lots of fatty foods that make them retain water. This instantly makes them look heavier. After the water weight goes away, they can take the “after” picture and look like they lost a lot of weight. Whether it’s angling, wearing high-waisted pants, or having a pair of Spanx always ready, there are several tricks that Instagram models use. Stay tuned to 10 Fake Instagram Model Tricks Exposed to see how these models are making themselves look more like Kim Kardashian! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheTalko Twitter: https://twitter.com/thetalko Instagram: https://instagram.com/the_talko ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit: http://www.thetalko.com/'
Tags: Women , tricks , fitness , Workout , healthy , guru , model , kim kardashian , fit , social media , instagram , thetalko , snapchat , photo , picture , 0118 , body image
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