'One SICKENING Shoulder Workout - with Zac Perna'

'One SICKENING Shoulder Workout - with Zac Perna'
06:54 Jul 1, 2021
'Note: If this doesnt play on mobile, copyright claim has got me so you\'ll have to watch it on a desktop! I\'t\'s been too long since I brought out a training video so I decided to take you through a favourite shoulder workout for one strong pump featuring the monster Dyl Parisi  Workout as follows: Smith Machine Press: 4x12 Giant Set 2A: Side Laterals with DB 2B: Upright rows with ropes 2C: DB Shoulder Press 4X12: Face Pulls //DB Rear Delt Raises 4x12 Cable side laterals 4x10 DB Shrugs  Track Names: Just Lose it Jesse Bloch remix & Keeping score Press play remix   Subscribe: (http://bit.ly/2x9fzgN), HIT THE NOTIFICATION BELL Check out my TopVideos! http://bit.ly/ZacPernaTopVideos  Let Me Coach You and get your diet and training plan: https://www.jointhemassivefam.zacperna.com.au  Shop EHPLabs Supplements:USE ZAC10 at https://www.ehplabs.com/Zac-Perna  Shop Gymshark: https://gym.sh/Shop-Zac-Perna2 - Follow Me Twitter: @zacperna Instagram: @zacperna (https://instagram.com/zacperna) Tik Tok: @zacperna Snapchat Me: zacperna  Facebook: https://facebook.com/zacpernafitness - Videographer -  Hafiy  

Tags: Workout , howto , bodybuilding , chest workout , muscle , strong , arms , volume , bulk , high volume , Grow , growth , bulking , shoulder , massive , ehplabs , perna , zac perna , supersets , zac , zac perna workouts , zack perna , zac perna food , zacperna , strongliftwear , harry spotter , fknmassive , zperna , ShoulderWorkout

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