'Choreography by: Katrena Faison in Plant City, FL Song: Not A Slave Artist: J.R. My style of dance fitness is like Christian Zumba or aerobic workout - in a praise and worship kind of way filled with the Holy Spirit. I create choreography that not only gives the student a fun and easy workout that burns lots of calories, but glorifies God and demonstrates praise in the movements. This type of exercise not only gives you lots of energy, but works all major muscle groups :) I wanted to share my style with students and instructors alike - to fill a much needed gap for Christian Fitness for those who love Zumba, but don\'t want to compromise the music they listen to in order to work out. So I use only Clean or Christian music. Please let me know if you like it and if you want to use it - it will bless me to know I am blessing others. Along with exercise it is important to have a good diet and nutrition... I have lost over 100 pounds with ViSalus - Body by Vi - there are hundreds of shake recipes each less then $2 a shake... since these are meal replacements for 1 or 2 meals a day... it saves you money on eating out and groceries and pays for itself... yet on top of that, if you get 3 friends to take the 90 day challenge with you - you get yours for FREE!!!! Please visit my website at ZumbaGina.bodybyvi.com for more information. You can also find me on Facebook at Facebook.com/4Gina - and on my Facebook page called Your Hallel Fitness :)'
Tags: fitness , Workout , cardio , Weight loss , exercise , Dance , routine , Christian , ZUMBA , warmup , God , Jesus , choreography , energy , praise , dancing , Class , worship , Holy Spirit , Spirit , Dance (Song) , arobics , Hallel Fitness , Not A Slave , J.R.
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