'Know Your Why and Have Goals - Fitness Motivation #shorts'

00:56 Sep 15, 2021
'This video was made to accompany my most popular blog post  SETTING FITNESS GOALS AND KEEPING THEM WITH FREE PDF) https://raisingthebar.fitness/setting-fitness-goals-and-keeping-them  This youtube #shorts is made from other media as a fitness motivational video and full credit goes to the original media creators used   For fitness blogs and tips check out the Raising the Bar Fitness blog: https://raisingthebar.fitness/fitness...   Connect with Raising The Bar  ➞ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/raisingtheba... ➞ Instagram https://www.instagram.com/raisingtheb... ➞ Twitter https://twitter.com/finbarhartept ➞ YouTube https://www.youtube.com/raisingthebarpt  Don\'t forget every day is a day to Raise The Bar' 

Tags: Workout , motivation , fitness goals , work out , personal trainer , fitness motivation , blogger , shorts , just do it , short , fitness blog , online coach , blog , mindset , goal setting , Raise The Bar , fitness goal setting , Raising the bar , raising the bar fitness , motivation blog , fitness why , know your why , have goals , have goals motivation , fitness motivation blog

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