'While the mechanics of menstruation are something all women have in common, each woman experiences her period differently. Though most would agree that it\'s not the most enjoyable time of each month, responses vary from an appreciation of fertility, to annoyance, to being curled up in pain, to disregard. For any female, getting menstruation is not just a sign of fertility but also of her health and overall fitness. Yoga is the effective exercise to cure irregular periods naturally. Irregular period is common in women. Yoga is the best medicine to cure problems like menstruation disorder, heavy blood flow and painful menstruation periods. Every female must practice yoga poses and make yoga a part of her daily regime to cope with menstrual disorders. Here are 10 yoga poses that will cure irregular periods. Dhanurasana - Bow Pose Dhanurasana or the Bow Pose is one of the 12 basic Hatha Yoga poses. It is also one of the three main back stretching exercises. It gives the entire back a good stretch, thus imparting flexibility as well as strength to the back. This pose is so called because it looks like an archer\'s bow, the torso and legs representing the body of the bow, and the arms the string. Ustrasana - Camel Pose Camel Pose (Ustrasana) is a backbending yoga posture that opens the entire front side of the body. It is an intermediate level back-bending yoga posture known to open Anahata (Heart chakra). This yoga posture adds flexibility and strength to the body and also helps in improving digestion. Matsyasana - Fish Pose Fish Pose is a back-bending yoga posture that opens the chest, throat, and abdomen. It is usually used as the counter-pose to Shoulderstand (Sarvangasana) because it neutralizes pressure on the neck and spine, but it is also a deep stretch with many benefits in its own. The name of the posture derives from the fact that if you adopt the position in water, you will float quite easily. Try to hold the pose for half of the time that you spent in the Shoulderstand, in order to equalize the stretching effects on your spine ans muscles. Baddhakonasana - Butterfly Pose Badhakonasana is also popularly known as the Butterfly Pose because of the movement of the legs during the posture, giving the appearance of a butterfly flapping its wings. Targeting primarily the legs, it is the perfect antidote to relax and stretch the muscles of the legs. This yoga pose will relax your body, mind and soul that will comfort your tired feet. Bhujangasana - Cobra Pose The name comes from the Sanskrit words bhujanga meaning \'snake\' or \'serpent\' and asana meaning \'posture\' or \'seat\'. From a prone position with palms and legs on the floor, the chest is lifted. Bhujangasana may strengthen the spine, stretch the chest, shoulders, and abdomen, firm the buttocks, and relieve stress and fatigue. Traditional texts say that Bhujangasana increases body heat, destroys disease, and awakens kundalini. Adho Mukha Svanasana - Downward Facing Dog Adho Mukha Svanasana posture replicates a dog bending forward, hence the name downward facing dog pose. This asana can be practiced by any beginner too and with all its benefits, one should include it as a part of daily yoga practice. It is a standing pose and mild inversion that builds strength while stretching the whole body.'
Tags: fitness , exercise , yoga , english , healthy living , home yoga , pose , beginners yoga , yoga practice , yoga pose , Bhujangasana , Halasana , Dhanurasana , yoga for irregular periods , VENTUNO YOGA , yoga basics , Paschimottanasana , Yogasana , period pain , irregular periods , yoga posture , ventunoyoga , Yoga for period pain , Yoga to cure period problems , Cure irregular periods , Menstrual problems , Menstruation disorder , Irregular menstrual cycle , Badhha konasana , The yogic head stand
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