'This is Day 11 of the Get Fit for The Holidays Challenge. In this 15-minute balance and core workout, we\'ll do some of the most important work of this whole challenge. It doesn\'t matter what your fitness level is or what your goals are, stabilization workouts are foundational. It doesn\'t matter if your goal is weight loss, building muscles, maintaining, or speed and agility, you need to work on your balance, core, and coordination first before you can achieve your fitness goals. This workout isn\'t about speed or burning calories, so take your time, listen to your body, and try to stabilize yourself through each motion. Of course, like the rest of the workouts in this challenge, there\'s still cardio in this workout, so calories will be burned. I guess we really can have it all. What is the Get Fit for The Holidays Challenge? We\'re taking care of ourselves this season. 12 totally unique workouts between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Uploaded every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. If you subscribe to this channel, you probably already know that I post new videos every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings. Well, it just so happens that there are 12 Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays between Thanksgiving and Christmas, so I thought it was the perfect opportunity to make a 12 Days of Christmas workout program for you. How it works: It\'s simple. You don\'t have to sign up for anything. All you have to do is check this channel for your new workout every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday between Thanksgiving and Christmas -- starting with the day after Thanksgiving. Every workout is 15 minutes long and includes beginner modifications, so they should be accessible for any fitness level. If you prefer a 30- or 45-minute workout, feel free to do the video two or three times as needed (though the 15-minute video is a really good workout if you only do it one time through). Every workout starts with a five-minute cardio session to get your heart rate up, but each of the 12 workouts is totally different. There\'s a HIIT workout, a barre workout, a cardio boxing workout, a balance workout, and eight more. If you\'re a beginner, this is a really good opportunity to try out a wide variety of workouts to see which ones work best for you. It\'s also just really fun to switch things up. I think it\'s really easy to forget about taking care of yourself during the holidays, but this year has been rough. I hope you\'re able to take 15 minutes for yourself. And I really hope you enjoy yourself and feel like a fitter version of yourself by Christmas. We\'re starting the morning after Thanksgiving (November 27th at 4am PST). See you then. ______________________________________________________
Tags: Workout , abs , core workout , gym , exercise , abs workout , burn calories , lose weight , free , at home workout , flat tummy , six pack , workout program , fit , free workout program , absworkout , fitness video , 15 minute workout , balance workout , exercise for women , burn fat workout , women fitness , get fit for the holidays , rachel gulotta , get skinny , burn calories workout , get fit in 30 days , 15 minute hiit workout , nasm stabilization workout , stabilization workout , fix your balance
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