'You can adjust your sails Wake up feeling you just want to go back to bed? Which emotional resilience strategy are you going to draw on. Today - we touched on exercise. If you have enjoyed this video please subscribe to this channel for more useful \'How to\' posts. Find out about our services on whatever platform you use! - Website: www.positiveyoungminds.com.au - Facebook: https://fb.me/positiveyoungmindspsychology - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/positiveyoungminds/ - Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kim-dunn/ Creating a happy family can be very challenging. If you believe, like I do, that it takes a village to look after our kids and teens, please like and share this video with your tribe, so we call all work together to raise wonderful young adults. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #positiveyoungminds #counselling #kimdunn #ittakesavillage #mentalhealth'
Tags: how to , family , exercise , happy , psychology , positive psychology , child psychologist , positive young minds , adolescent psychologist , emotional resilience
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