'Janie Smith is a Michigan humorist and speaker who is taking on a groundbreaking project. She\'s trying a new diet every week for a year in order to find a way of eating that may help people who have been heavy their whole lives. This week I am as sick as a dog, so I\'m phoning it in. I\'m doing the MyFitnessPal automatic goal setting feature goals and we\'ll see how that goes. I also wrapped up and scored the Carbohydrate Addict\'s diet for the week. http://www.myfitnesspal.com Carbohydrate Addict\'s Diet Links: Official Website: http://www.carbohydrateaddicts.com/ http://www.dietsinreview.com/diets/Carbohydrate_Addicts_Diet/ email: [email protected] Follow me: tumblr: janierocktriesdiets.tumblr.com twitter: twitter.com/janierocklive Instagram: janierocktriesdiets myfitnesspal: JanieRock myfitnesspalgroup: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/108273-janierock-tries-diets Music: David Amber - Smile'
Tags: Weight loss , weight , obesity , Diet (Industry) , Dieting (Symptom) , Nutrition (Medical Specialty) , Carbohydrate (Nutrient) , MyFitnessPal (Software) , morbid obesity , carbohydrate addict's diet , obesity help , obesity vlog , diet reviews
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