07:34 Mar 10, 2022
'In this video, I show you how to gain muscle for skinny guys. This is the full workout routine that I followed to gain over 15kg in 10 weeks FITNESS EQUIPMENT FITNESS - https://www.dlm-modellifestyle.com/fitness-1  ---2ND CHANNEL---  DLM Christian Lifestyle -- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNxMqTW2y6uZm3lbFsT_cwA?sub_confirmation=1  TOP PICKS FOR MEN\'S \"STUFF\": SKINCARE - https://www.dlm-modellifestyle.com/skincare HAIRCARE - https://www.dlm-modellifestyle.com/haircare BODYCARE - https://www.dlm-modellifestyle.com/bodycare HEALTHCARE - https://www.dlm-modellifestyle.com/healthcare ACCESSORIES - https://www.dlm-modellifestyle.com/accessories SHOES - https://www.dlm-modellifestyle.com/shoes CLOTHING - https://www.dlm-modellifestyle.com/clothing  SOCIAL MEDIA Website: https://www.dlm-modellifestyle.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DLMlifestyle Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/daniel_maritz Linkedin: https://linkedin.com/in/DanielMaritz  SUPPORT US I would deeply appreciate your support by sharing my videos with family and friends. You can also support me financially by subscribing to my main platform on XOTV here: https://xotv.me/users/subscriptions/new?xotv_channel_id=210-dlm-model-lifestyle I deeply appreciate your support  BOOK ME FOR A MODELING JOB dlmmodellifestyle@gmail.com  QUESTION — Have a question? Post in the comments section of this video!   This VIDEO was EDITED with Adobe Premiere on a PC - https://geni.us/AdobeP  VIDEO RECORDING EQUIPMENT: MICROPHONE: Rode video mic me for smartphones - https://geni.us/RodeVideoMicMe LIGHTS: Aputure AL-MX - https://geni.us/AputureAlMx TRIPOD: Manfrotto tripod - https://geni.us/Mtripod  DISCLAIMER:  This video and description contain affiliate links from Amazon or another affiliate program, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I might receive a small commission depending on the country you are in.   ABOUT THIS VIDEO: This video is all about how to gain muscle mass for skinny guys. If you are skinny and want to gain muscle fast, then this hardgainer workout is for you. In this video, I show you my workout routine that helped me to bulk up fast in 10 weeks. I gained over 15kg of muscle by maintaining this workout routine and also by consistently following a specific nutritional plan that I will share with you in the next video. There are different workout routines for men because we have different goals. Most beginners do not know which workout routine to follow to gain the muscle they want. So in this video, I show you step by step my muscle building workout that will give you results if you put in the effort and stay consistent. All the best to you with your own body transformation from skinny to muscle.  If you watched the whole video and liked it, then LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND CHECK OUT SOME OF THE OTHER VIDEOS ON DLM MODEL LIFESTYLE ABOUT FITNESS, GROOMING, STYLE & LIFE VLOGS' 

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