'This Colombian fitness model is inspiring women across the world to pick up weights and sculpt the body that they desire. Through hard work, determination and a commitment to fitness, Sonia Isaza has become a fitness phenomenon on social media, with over 2 million followers and continuing to grow in popularity. Credit: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Sonia-Isaza-275481199514989/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/niaisazaoficial/ __________________________________________________________________ Follow Level Fitness on social media: Facebook: www.facebook.com/JungleLevelFitness Instagram: www.instagram.com/JungleLevelFitness Owned and operated by Jungle Creations'
Tags: fitness , Workout , abs , gym , motivation , exercise , diet , Health , nutrition , bodybuilding , workout video , muscle , lose weight , model , six pack , strength training , SPORT , inspiration , toned , lose fat , healthy eating , weight training , powerlifting , body sculpting , women who lift
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