'Fitness Motivation Model of the day: Sebi is the proud owner of a fit body. She has been in various fitness competitions for the past six years in her career Sebi started her fitness life in the Muscle Mania Fitness Championship 2017, followed by Sports Model Women, then the 2017 Fitness Star Championship Amateur League. After she became a fitness model, her life became a new frontier. In recent years, she has been preparing for fitness competitions and has been working as a fitness model and media influencer. She started her career as an actress, but she started to beef up in earnest as she prepared fitness contests, although she always watches her diet due to the nature of her job. In her fitness workout, she focuses on squats and abdominal exercises. To train her abdominal muscles, she does at least 1,000 sit-ups a day & crunches consistently Sebi一個堅實的身體的主人,從女演員感受到美麗和健康。在她的職業生涯中,她過去六年一直參加各種健身比賽,並一直在公眾中獲勝。 演員Sebi在2017年穆斯林狂熱健身錦標賽中開始了他的健身生活,其次是運動模特女子短褲1,其次是2017年健身明星錦標賽業餘聯賽,以及穆斯林狂熱和健身明星的第一和第二名並開始了一個成熟的健身球員生涯。 自從我離開三年前參與該項目的機構以來已經有三年了。在她成為健身模特後,她的生活成了一個新的前沿。近年來,他一直在為健身比賽做準備,並一直致力於廣告模式和個人廣播。 在她成熟的健身模特生活之前,她喜歡這項激動人心的鍛煉,然後她在艱難的時刻繼續鍛煉。她開始了自己的演藝事業,但是在準備肌肉比賽時,她開始認真對待,儘管由於工作性質,她總是節食。 Habboi總是很複雜,在為比賽做準備時成為了她的力量。我嘗試了極端的飲食去除脂肪,但下半身保持完好,並開始成長為一種力量。我專注於下半身的下蹲和腹部運動,特別是提高腹部肌肉,如每天仰臥起坐,雙簧管練習,仰臥起坐和至少1000的運動一直穩定。'
Tags: fitness motivation , workout motivation , fit girls , fitness model , female fitness , Fitness Girls , training motivation , Fit Body , fitness motivation women , female workout , woman workout , fitness motivation video , Fitness Life , Female Fitness Model , female aesthetics motivation , 健身動機 , sports model , fitness star , 健身模特 , 美女健身 , 健身女孩 , Fitness Motivation of the Day , 女性健身 , 女孩健身房 , 女孩運動 , 身體健康的女性 , 女生健身 , 女生運動 , 健身動力 , 健身励志 , 健身励志短片 , 健身励志視頻 , Fitness Motivation Model , Sports Model Women
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