'Super Fitness Model Jennifer Nicole Lee, Sexiest Women of the World 2010, Modeling Tips'

02:18 Jul 25, 2022
'http://fitnessmodelprogram.bonuscb.com - Super Fitness Model Jennifer Nicole Lee, Sexiest Women of the World 2010, Modeling Tips  Myth 7: For me to look like a Fitness Model™ I need to have a gymnastics background and know how to do all those fancy flips and jumps. FALSE! Several successful Fitness Models™ have little to no gymnastics background- they acquired their slamming physiques through a perfect combination of weight training and cardio- which is included in my Fitness Models™ Program!  Myth 8: I would have to hire an expensive nutritionist to create a personalized diet for me to look like a Fitness Model ™ FALSE! Nutritionists are not necessary! They do not specialize in sports related athletic goals and objectives. I am a certified specialist in Sports Performance, Nutrition and Supplementation- thus I am much more qualified to tell you what you need than a generic nutritionist. In addition you will be wasting your time, money and energy listening to a mainstream dietician who really only relies upon the word \"diet\".  Question- What are the first 3 letters of the word DIET- Exactly! We don\'t want you to die- we want you to live and live optimally looking and feeling like a Fitness Model ™  Myth 9: I have to starve myself to look as good as a Fitness Model. FALSE! With my FM Program you will actually be eating more, and eating more, more often! I will even tell you the foods you MUST EAT in order to LOSE WEIGHT! You will NEVER go hungry on this plan!  Myth  10: I will become a slave to looking like a Fitness Model™ and I will have to seclude myself from everyone to look like those cover girls. FALSE! You will discover that it is all about forming great habits as so many successful Fitness Models™ have and so can you! In my Fitness Model Program™ you only workout 4 times a week, all in the comfort of your own home. You will so much more time to enjoy with your friends and family and to lead a normal life!' 

Tags: girl , fitness , Workout , sexy , gym , exercise , loss , hot , muscle , chest , fat , trainer , model , jennifer , ab , fit , female , Bikini , toned , Glamorous , success , lee , Nicole , push-up , metabolism , JNL , jennifer nicole , Jennifer Nicole Lee , Fitness Model Program , Super Fitness Model , Female Fitness Model Program , fitnessmodelprogram , sexiest women of the world

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