'Crazy Picnic Outside With Our Elves! Elf on the Shelf Idea Day 16!!! Subscribe to Madison\'s channel: http://tinyurl.com/madisonsub Subscribe to Trinity and Beyond: http://tinyurl.com/trinitysub Check out our New Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLVjUV0NT38&list=PLH2I3pcDbffEVSMcjBSVzxmw_s_-zBrnE Outside Munchpak Picnic! Elf On The Shelf Day 16!!! Today took Trinity and Madison a little bit longer to find their elves Sparkles and Bubblegum and that\'s because they were outside having a picnic with Buddy!! Trinity and Madison decided to join them but have a little fun at the same time so they brought out their Munchpak! We love trying the different foods from the munchpak boxes because we never know what\'s inside and everything comes from somewhere different! Check out our other Channels!!! Beyond Family Vlogs: https://tinyurl.com/beyondfamily Girls vs Boys Toys: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3IsdhojXIjTXuD1TPKgfrg Follow Us: FaceBook: https://facebook.com/trinityandbeyond IG: https://instagram.com/trinityandbeyond.yt/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/TrinityBeyondYT Help Subtitle and Translate our videos here: http://www.youtube.com/timedtext_cs_panel?tab=2&c=UCCryrohClZM8XK4yEYBE_qA About Trinity and Beyond: Hey guys! Thanks for visiting our YouTube Channel! This channel stars Trinity and her whole YouTube Family with little sister Madison, Dad, Mom, and now baby Preston! This is a pg fun family friendly channel with kids videos made for kids! We do lots of exciting challenges that are tons of fun, Elf on the Shelf videos for Christmas Holidays every December, Hello Neighbor in Real Life Toy Scavenger Hunts, Granny and Baldi\'s Basics IRL, 3AM Skits, Calling Videos, Mailing Myself Videos, Slime Videos, Epic Pranks, and more! Thanks again for visiting our channel. Please subscribe and turn on notifications and share our videos with a friend! #ElfontheShelf #ElfPicnic #Trinity #TrinityandBeyond #BeyondFamily #Beyond'
Tags: family , comedy , challenge , 4K , funny , kids , for kids , kids videos , christmas , mom , videos for kids , elf , youtube family , dad , skits , madison , elves , Trinity , pg , trinity and madison , picnic , Santa , scavenger hunt , beyond family , elf on the shelf , elf shelf , elf on the shelf ideas , Christmas elf , munchpak , elf videos , outdoor picnic , don't touch the elf , elf videos for kids , elf magic , elf on the shelf picnic , munchpak picnic , elf on the shelf munchpak , elf on the shelf outside , crazy picnic
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