'In this Vlog I\'ll be taking you along with me for all the three meals of the day starting with Breakfast than lunch and ending with dinner . Come and see how\'s the mess food in IIT\'s , its more or less same everywhere . This one is from my college IIT Guwahati. I have also made more informative videos which you might wanna see so here it\'s all down in the description . -------------------------------------------------------------- Hostel Facilities https://youtu.be/9Ha3PthuTeU ------------------------------------------------------------------ Campus Tour Part - 01 https://youtu.be/r4C6iYrJuKk Campus Tour Part - 02 https://youtu.be/4dk4M_XRwII ----------------------------------------------------------------- An ode to home ground | IIT Guwahati | Drone video https://youtu.be/mjUIykF9Y8M ________________________________________________ Follow me on Instagram for more https://instagram.com/narenphotography/ ________________________________________ #iitguwahati #messfood'
Tags: breakfast , lunch , Dinner , iit , mess , iit jee , menu , iitb , iit bombay , IIT Delhi , IIT Guwahati , mess food , iit bhu , iit madras , iit roorkee , hostel mess food , iitk , iit hostel masti , iit guwahati hostel room tour , mess food in iit guwahati , mess menu iit guwahati , iit mess food non veg , messfood , messmeal , messtour , messmenu , mess food at umiam hostel , special dinner in iit , iit guwahati hostel facilities , iit hostel , iit hostel room , iit hostel life , iit hostel tour
See also: