'How to get food and water in Subnautica the easiest way. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Water: Find purple fish called the bladderfish and put it in the furnace and craft purified water Food: Catch and small fish and cook it in the furnace +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This way it by far the most simple and easy to way get food and water.'
Tags: how to , Cooking , eating , Easy , hunger , fish , underwater , single player , Subnautica , food and water , subnautica food , subnautica how to , tutourial , subnautica water , How to get food and water in subnautica , subnautica food and water tutourial , subnautica tutourial , how to eat in subnautica , how to eat and drink in subnautica , finding food and water subnautica , Hydrations , Subnautica easy , easy food and water , Bladderfish
See also: