'One way that #DallasDanceFitness encourages us how to become a better dancers is through its unique choreography. This moderately challenging dance fitness choreo to Katy Perry\'s sassy song \"Swish Swish\" is for advanced beginner and intermediate dance fitness classes. This choreo helps instructors and students become better dancers because of its unexpected breaks in the music. Parts of the song don\'t follow a typical 32-count structure. (Dance fitness instructors note: you\'ll have to cue students through these four-count breaks.) We love the play on words where the dance give us some groovy basketball-inspired moves -- and of course, you gotta love the \'60s and \'70s throwback move that everyone recognizes, The Robot, and today\'s body and brainteaser known as \"the floss.\" Need a few reasons to try a DDF class? See what our members say: https://www.dallasdancefitness.com/post/reasons-for-dance-fitness-workouts?utm=youtube Dance with us M-F at 10AM Central as a monthly unlimited member --https://dallasdancefitness.sites.zenplanner.com/sign-up-now.cfm Get your first livestream class for free! https://www.dallasdancefitness.com Join our community of dancers on Instagram -- https://www.instagram.com/dallasdancefitness/ Connect with us on Facebook -- https://www.facebook.com/dallasdancefitness/ In Dallas? Get our studio schedule here https://www.dallasdancefitness.com/schedule #swishswish #sassyjazz #katyperry #popmusic #dancefitnesschoreo #homefitness #danceathome #DDFdancers #DallasDancers #adultdanceclass #sassyjazz #intermediate #howtodance #dancersover40'
Tags: fitness , Dance , work out , dance fitness , fun , Easy , routine , ZUMBA , fitness routine , choreography , dallas , nicki minaj , katy perry , jazz funk , fitness dance , fitness choreography , swish swish
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