'Mumbai Central New Delhi Tejas rajdhani express 12951 runs from Mumbai to Delhi it departs from Mumbai Central station at 17:00 from platform 3 and arrives at New Delhi station at 8:32 on platform 1 or 3 Mumbai central New Delhi Tejas rajdhani express takes 15 or 32 minutes to cover the distance of 1386 KM between Mumbai and Delhi it is a super fast train the average speed of this train is 89 km per hour it has classes first AC second AC third AC this train runs daily final chart for Mumbai central New Delhi Tejas rajdhani express is prepared at Mumbai usually 3 to 4 hour before train departure time. for more videos click
Tags: vlog , Indian Railways , tejas express , Nidhi , best train in India , Mumbai to Delhi , Indian Railways review , Fastest train in India , Tejas express review , Tejas express food review , private train in India , India first private train , private train journey , zeevani , NoMatch
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