'Junior Bikini Fitness Star - Anna J From Denmark'

'Junior Bikini Fitness Star - Anna J From Denmark'
03:26 Oct 28, 2021
'Yet another video with a special Athlete and this time it is the Junior Bikini Fitness competitor Anna Jespersen from Denmark. She competed at the IFBB Pro Nordic and tried to compete in the  the Pro Qualifier her class and the Junior class. She managed to get a second place in the Pro Qualifier but in the Junior Class with a lot of athletes she ended up just outside the finals.  Either way she made an impact and we thinks she deserves her own spot on this channel with this video. This is a Nordic Fitness Magazine, \"a part of Robin4life Productions\" production.  For more with this Bikini Athlete visit her instagram  You can visit  my website athttps://www.instagram.com/annnajespersen/  http://www.robin4life.se and Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/robin4life_productions/   And please support by subscribing to my channel  Music is often changed from competitions due to Royalty Rights  Videos is also brought to you by BBC NUTRITION https://www.brovertzbc.se  #bikini #bikinifitness #workout' 

Tags: gym motivation , bodybuilding , personal trainer , bodybuilding motivation , fitness motivation , workout motivation , Bikini workout , Bikini , fitness competition , Fitness Classes , aesthetic fitness motivation , how to train abs , bodybuilding competition , how to train , Bikini fitness , group workouts , bikini haul , fitness and health , local gym , men`s health , woman`s health , bikini fitness competition , bikini body meme , bikini fitness diet , bikini try

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