'FITNESS - The Key To Building Self Confidence & Personal Success'

'FITNESS - The Key To Building Self Confidence & Personal Success'
11:04 Dec 27, 2023
'We\'re all striving to become the best versions of ourselves... And most people prioritize getting an education, building self confidence, achieving career and financial success, while developing meaningful relationships along the way.  While all of these things are very important - the one thing that tops them all - and can literally make or break your success is your personal health and fitness. If you don\'t feel comfortable in your own body, it\'s going to be really hard to feel truly self confident as a person.  Even if you achieve what most folks would consider a successful life on the outside - financial independence, a successful career, happy family and quality relationships - these things will never truly fulfill you if you are not happy with YOU on the inside.  If your health is suffering, if you don\'t feel confident in your own skin, if you\'re embarrassed about how far your belly sticks out when you take your shirt off, if you get out of breath doing the simplest of tasks, you fear that you won\'t live long enough to see your children or grand children grow up, and you can\'t do the things you want to do because your body is holding you back... Then all the material wealth and success will not be nearly as fulfilling.  Your body is the vehicle that carries you through life, and if your vehicle is on the verge of breaking down due to poor health and neglect - you need to make a change.  In this video Jeff Samataro and I discuss how improving our personal fitness has been a life changing experience. If you\'re not familiar with Jeff, he reached out to me for help a few years ago because he was overweight, out of shape, and not happy with the direction his life was headed.  Jeff decided to come on board with my Muscle After 40 VIP Coaching Program and he achieved a complete body re-composition - losing fat, building lean muscle, and improving his health, fitness, and confidence in the process. The experience has been life changing and he wouldn\'t trade it for anything.  Since then Jeff and I have teamed up and he\'s working along side me as my right hand man for the Muscle After 40 Blueprint VIP Coaching Program... We did an interview together not too long ago discussing exactly how he was able to achieve a life changing transformation at:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RaKblF-2f0M  If you\'d like to learn how Jeff was able to get in shape and stay in shape with a sustainable muscle building and fat loss program, I highly recommend that you watch that video.  ============================  And if you would like some personal help with planning out a realistic action plan to get in your best shape, just click on the link below and sign up for a Free One-On-One Strategy Session Coaching Call with me at:   https://leehayward.com/blog/free-10-minute-strategy-session  During our call we\'ll do a \"Fitness & Nutrition Audit\" of your current program and brainstorm some ideas and action steps for how you can maximize your results and reach your health, fitness, muscle building & fat loss goals faster and easier than what you\'re currently doing right now!  If I honestly feel that I can help you, then I\'ll let you know. And if I can\'t, then I won\'t BS you, but I will offer some suggestions to experts or resources that can help you.  Either way, at the end of our short 10-minute strategy session call you\'ll walk away with more clarity about what you need to do next in order to move in the right direction towards building the body you want.  ====================== In the mean time, make sure to download a FREE copy of my \"Ripped After 40 ebook\" at:   https://leehayward.com/blog/ripped-after-40-ebook  In this Free PDF e-Book you\'ll learn EXACTLY how I was able to turn my life around and get back in shape - Going from \"FAT\" to \"RIPPED\" After Age 40.  It\'s jam packed with real world strategies and simple tweaks and adjustments that you can start doing TODAY to improve your physique. Regardless of your age or current physical shape - improvement is always possible! ======================  If you have questions, you can email me:  lee@leehayward.com  Follow me on facebook at:  https://www.facebook.com/lee.hayward​  #confidence #success #leehayward' 

Tags: fitness success , how to build self confidence , how to build confidence , body image and self esteem , self-confidence , how to build self esteem , how to build self-worth , signs of a confident man , signs of confidence , how to build confidence in myself , body image and mental health , success confidence , improving self confidence , how to build confidence at work , confident at work , career success factors , key factors for success , boost self-esteem , how to build self-esteem in adults

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