'When you are injured it makes it uncomfortable to take a shower. There are parts of your body that you need to clean everyday. Arm pits are major top priority. Since my broken Humerus Bone. I haven\'t been able to wash my left armpit. Therefore I\'ve been very stinky. #humerus #armpit #bones #stinky #freshandclean #shorts Checkout this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fkKo4qIfPg Please help support my business. Order my merchandise. https://my-store-c0094a.creator-spring.com/apparel Checkout this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhZjB6ztwF8&t=2s'
Tags: bone , healing , shorts , halloween , medical , sleep , shoulder , Arm , Recovery , adrenaline , Stinky , smelly , humerus , armpit hair , kickback , armpit , mbbs , human anatomy , Radius , fresh and fit , adrenaline rush , shaver , left arm , fresh and clean , skull and bones gameplay , humerus anatomy , humerus bone , skulls misfits , skulls for the skull throne , injured arm workout , arm brace , armpit wax , polearm fighting , uncomfortably numb , wendy camacho padilla , humerus bone anatomy , shortstack
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