'Dying in an AT HOME Orangetheory Fitness class over ZOOM | Chatting about REST & RECOVERY'

'Dying in an AT HOME Orangetheory Fitness class over ZOOM | Chatting about REST & RECOVERY'
10:06 May 7, 2021
'Working out at home on your own can be hard but thankfully Orangetheory Fitness if offering FREE AT HOME WORKOUTS! They upload a new one every day to their YouTube channel and some studios/ coaches are coaching workouts on ZOOM! I like to add in weights or resistance bands whenever I can to increase the difficulty... and sometimes do my own exercise if I don\'t like a certain one. Followed by chatting it up about rest and recovery showing you guys some of my favorite ways to recover. ENJOY     JUST SHOW UP - Fitty Freckles Merch https://teespring.com/-just-show-up-fittyfreckles   https://eattoevolve.us/  20% off your first order Code: FITTYFRECKLES   https://smartsweets.grsm.io/FittyFreckles Free shipping on orders: $30+ Code: FittyFreckles   My Favorite High Volume Low Calorie Meals: Ebook: https://fittyfreckles.com/product/chef-fitty-wit-it-volume-1/  ♡INSTAGRAM: @FittyFreckles https://www.instagram.com/FittyFreckles/  ♡BUSINESS CONTACT: fittyfreckles@gmail.com' 

Tags: at home workout , stay home , Quarantine Workouts , working out at home , Orangetheory Fitness , staying home , OTF , Fat Tuesday FAM , what is orangetheory fitness , fitty freckles otf , orangetheory fitness fitty freckles , what is otf , free at home workouts , My FIRST Orangetheory Fitness AT HOME WORKOUT , My thoughts on Quarantine , andrew colman smith , fitches fitty freckles , fitches , Dying in an AT HOME Orangetheory Fitness class over ZOOM , Chatting about REST & RECOVERY

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