Feb 7
'Wie muss ein Trainingsreiz gesetzt werden, damit er in einem Muskelwachstum resultiert? Quellen: Giessing, J. (2020): HIT neu und verbessert. Mit hochintensivem Training weniger Zeit investieren und schneller Muskeln aufbauen. Arnsberg: Novagenics. Morton, R.; Sonne, M.; Zuniga, A. F.; Mohammad, I.; Jones, A.; Mcglory, C.; Keir, P.; Potvin, J.; Phillips, S. (2019): Muscle fibre activation is unaffected by load and repetition duration when resistance exercise is performed to task failure. The Journal of Physiology, 507(17): 4691–4692. Schoenfeld, B. J., Grgic, J., Contreras, B., Delcastillo, K., Alto, A., Haun, C., De Souza, E. O., & Vigotsky, A. D. (2020): To Flex or Rest: Does Adding No-Load Isometric Actions to the Inter-Set Rest Period in Resistance Training Enhance Muscular Adaptations? A Randomized-Controlled Trial. Frontiers in physiology, 10, 1571. Androulakis-Korakakis, P., Fisher, J.P. & Steele, J. (2020): The Minimum Effective Training Dose Required to Increase 1RM Strength in Resistance-Trained Men: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Sports Med 50, 751–765.'See also: