'Stop Doing Cardio If You Want A Smaller Butt'

10:30 Jul 3
'Now one of the questions I get asked most frequently is ‘which is the best cardio exercise to do to burn butt fat’.  Whilst my reply is usually, ‘whatever you enjoy and can stick to consistently for the long term’, I have come to a new realisation that it is best not to do any cardio at all.  Book A Free Coaching Call: https://3grglu8o7m5.typeform.com/to/Lt3IYuww  How To Get A Smaller Butt Fast ebook: https://mailchi.mp/4462c994469a/free-ebooks  The Alpha Male Body Blueprint ebook: https://mailchi.mp/4462c994469a/free-ebooks  Alongside my own personal discoveries, new research by Dr Mandy Hagstrom reveals that you can burn exactly the same amount of body fat alone with resistance training as you can with cardio.  Despite this incredible discovery, it has been known for many years that to burn fat you need to be in a calorie deficit, and the easiest way to ensure this is to control what you eat each day.  The fewer variables involved, the greater control you can have because you know exactly the cause for what is making you gain or lose body fat.   The reality is for purely burning fat, doing tonne\'s of cardio is you working hard and not smart if fat loss is your main goal.  So let’s say you aim to burn 200 extra calories. That is the equivalent of a 45 minute walk, 25 minute jog, or a 20 minute fast paced cycle.   Incredibly, all this effort can be wiped out by consuming just 4 Oreos!  In this circumstance you would have simply been better off saving your energy and not eating those Oreos! This would give you exactly the same outcome.   Another major downside for cardio for fat loss is that it is entirely possible to lose muscle in the process. That’s another reason why you need to be doing heavy resistance training especially on a calorie deficit so you signal that your muscle is still needed. Muscle is so difficult to build that you must hold onto it at all costs.   Ok so what’s the solution? I hear you ask. Well it’s simple. If fat loss is your goal you want to focus on weight lifting and your nutrition. Simple as that! Look at cardio as the means to improve your cardiovascular health, which is obviously super important too.  You should aim to be on a calorie deficit each day, this means you are consuming fewer calories than you burn throughout the day. This is the single key for burning butt fat that you must always remember.  One of the fastest & easiest ways to reduce your calorie intake each day is to firstly reduce your sugar intake. I would advise cutting them out completely.   You can stay hydrated by drinking good old water! If you want something sweet there is nothing wrong with going for a sugar free drink which will have 0 calories such as a diet soda instead.  It will also help to go for single ingredient foods that you prepare yourself instead of processed foods. For example avoiding fast foods such as pizza and hamburger’s, and going for meals such as chicken and rice or meat and potatoes instead. Vegan and vegetarian options also work very well here, you just need to ensure you’re protein intake is high enough with each meal.  Also I would highly suggest that you weigh yourself daily using bathroom scales, first thing in the morning. This process keeps you aware of how you are eating and put’s your daily diet front of mind. This is going to be crucial for burning butt fat because typically when you lose weight you are often losing body fat, especially if you are following my steps of doing heavy resistance training and eating a quality high protein diet also.  You want to be including the big compound lifts in your workouts such as squats, deadlifts, military press, barbell rows, and bench press as these will involve multiple muscle groups at once, leading to more calories being burned in comparison to an isolation movement such as a bicep curl or leg extension which only work single muscle groups.  These workouts in itself will burn calories but what’s amazing is that the addition of lean muscle mass will boost your metabolism even further and you will be burning more calories at rest. This is a compounding effect allowing you to burn fat more easily, but also to keep body fat off too!' 

Tags: cardio , gym , bodybuilding , fat loss , glutes , lose butt fat , fat ass , jp fitness , reduce butt size , fat butt , butt fat , get a smaller butt , reduce butt fat for men , smaller glutes , joshua palmer

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