'The 5 minutes of Hell Interval Challenge I like to use this interval challenge at the end of workouts or bootcamp classes. It really challenges your body\'s ability to recover while continuing to work at a high intensity, just like it is on the fire ground. Sll you need for this interval workout is a wall and a timer. Set the interval timer for 10, 30 second intervals (no rest). You will move from one exercise to the next without rest......just keep moving. The five exercises for the interval are mountain climbers, burpees, side to side shuffles, crawling and the wall sit (or the plank). Start the interval timer and perform the first exercise (mountain climbers)as fast as you can for 30 seconds. After the first 30 seconds, switch to burpees for the next 30 seconds; continue to switch exercises every 30 seconds. After you perform the wall sit (or plank) repeat a second time. You do not get to rest between exercises; just go from one to the next every 30 seconds until the 5 minutes is up. You can make this interval more challenging by adding more difficult exercises (squat jumps, sledge hammers, body drags) or by adding more time for the intervals (change from 30 to 45 seconds) or by wearing a weighted vest. Go to www.firerescuefitness.com for more workout ideas.'
Tags: fitness , fat loss , interval training , Physical Exercise (Word) , firefighter fitness , fire workout , firefit , rescue athlete , firehouse workout , firerescuefitness.com
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