'How much cardio? What kind of cardio should you do?'

'How much cardio? What kind of cardio should you do?'
06:16 Jun 14, 2021
'JOIN MY EXCLUSIVE PRIVATE MEMBERSHIP COMMUNITY  https://www.brixfitnessinsiders.com  Disclaimer :This video is assuming you are doing 2-4 weight lifting sessions per week  Im never really an advocate for cardio only programs These are estimations. There is no exact right or wrong amount. This is just my suggestion based on experience with myself and my clients.   Ask your self these questions What are my goals? Whats my body type? How tight am I going to be with my nutrition?  What are my goals? “ Lose weight” aka lose fat? Gain muscle? Get “shredded?  Whats my body type? Ectomorph  Mesomorph Endomorph   How tight am I going to be with my nutrition?   Endomorph that wants to lose fat While being super tight on your nutrition I would suggest  2, 25-35 minutes sessions of steady state cardio.  Steady state is easier on the joints  And typically more enjoyable for the beginner  (3-4 sessions a week if you\'re not going to stick to your nutrition plan strictly)  Mesomorph who want to get shredded If you\'re super tight on your nutrition I would suggest 2-3, 15-25 minutes sessions of interval cardio or 2-3, 7-15 minutes sessions of HIIT per week  I would add 1-2 sessions of steady state cardio if you\'re not strictly sticking to your nutrition plan  Ectomorph that want get shredded I would suggest 1-2, 7-15 minutes sessions of HIIT per week Add 1-2 15-25 minute interval sessions in there if you\'re not going to be strict    PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO MY PODCAST!!  (Links Below) https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-get-well-get-money-podcast/id1381777751   https://brixfitness.com/getwellgetmoney/    SUBSCRIBE TO THE GET WELL GET MONEY PODCAST ON YOUTUBEhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGiRXyWWStN7ivYqZ-hgfrA    http://brixfitness.com/shop/12-week-simple-transformation-jumpstart-program-complete/   Download my free ebook “The Weight Loss Mindset” http://brixfitness.com/the-weight-loss-mindset/   Support the channel by becoming a patron https://www.patreon.com/brixfitness    Click here for Online coaching http://www.brixfitness.com/online-coaching/  Click here for your customized meal plan http://www.brixfitness.com/meal-plan/  Click here to purchase new Brix Fitness logo Tee shirt! http://brixfitness.com/shop/brix-fitness-small-who-logo-short-sleeve/   Outro by @cnmonewayfilm ******All information shared in this video is merely the opinion of Robert Glover. Use this information at your own risk******' 

Tags: cardio , healthy lifestyle , cardio workout , Lose Weight Fast , fitness motivation , weight loss tips , fitness transformation , weight loss transformation , weight loss motivation , brix fitness , interracial couple , fitness blender abs , weight loss expert , HOW MUCH CARDIO , how much cardio should i do , cardio or weights , black vloggers channels , cardio workouts for beginners , how much cardio should i do to lose weight , fat loss cardio workout

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