'Personal Training 101 - High-Intensity Interval training at Orange Theory Fitness Applewood is all about the Base pace. Base pace is something you can do and maintain for 15 minutes. (For a free trial and 30-day money back guarantee, call or text 720-307-5007 or visit http://bit.ly/2yFMNUd ) At Base you could sign a song. First, you check-in with how you feel in your body. Second, base pace is found when your heart-rate goes into the green zone. Now the magic of Base pace is that when you go to a Push pace, you need to be able to recover to your original Base pace. If you can’t return to Base after a Push pace and your recover to a walk, then your Push pace is too high. The fitness goal of Orange Theory Fitness Applewood is to help you increase your Base pace over time. The higher your Base, the more your body is transforming. The more transformation, the more you will enjoy life. That’s why we say, More Orangetheory, More Life. For a free trial and 30-day money back guarantee, call or text 720-307-5007 or visit http://bit.ly/2yFMNUd'
Tags: high-intensity interval training , Orange Theory , Orangetheory Fitness , orange theory fitness , Orangetheory Fitness Applewood Colorado , personal trainer near me Wheat Ridge CO , Orange Theory Fitness Wheat Ridge , OTF Applewood , personal training 101 , high-intensity interval training (hiit) , high-intensity interval training workout , high-intensity interval training exercises
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