'one punch man abridged episode 2 finally after one punch man abridged episode 1 so long ago... don\'t worry.. one punch man abridged episode 3 will be faster as I\'m partially done this is not one punch man crack or one punch man review or honest / actual anime trailer one punch man, it is a OPM abridged, plz don\'t mix it up... like by episode 1... enjoy and let me know if there\'s anything else u wanna see i do honest trailers, top 10s and lots more stuff STARRING: my bro - Satotz, Back-Up Guy: \"he punched him so hard the rain just stopped\" Otaku D.Furiku - Reporter Rudegio - Mumen Rider Nux Taku - the others... SINGING DONE BY SAITAMA SO DONT JUDGE, lol'
Tags: review , vs , trailer , honest , actual , awesome , one punch man , crack , AMV , Saitama , abridged
See also: