'Big Bicep Workout - Training with Raju Pal (Mr.Asia)'

'Big Bicep Workout - Training with Raju Pal (Mr.Asia)'
19:54 Jan 8, 2022
'ॐ Jai Shree Ganesh ॐ  ॐ      Om Sai Ram     ॐ  Raju Pal  Mr.Asia | Mr.India | Gold Medalist   For More Updates LIKE || SHARE || SUBSCRIBE  1. FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/raju.bodyfuel.5  2. INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/rajupalmr.a...  3. GMAIL [email protected]  4. MOBILE NUMBER      +91-8750900123      RAJU PAL    Happy Life by FREDJI https://soundcloud.com/fredjimusic https://www.facebook.com/fredjimusic/ Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/u4PI5p5bI9k' 

Tags: fitness , abs , nutrition , bodybuilding , muscles , chest , biceps , back , fatloss , Fatburner , carbs , protien , shoulder , thigh , physics , weightlifting , bicep , tricep , chinups , calf , pullup , barbell , benchpress , gaining , weightgain , musclegain , bicepworkout , bicepexercise , bigbiceps , massgain , preachercurl , HammerCurl , bicepgain , barbellcurl , dumbellcurl , concentrationcurl , ezbarcurl , muscleincrease , bicepincreas , armblaster , topguns , machinecurl , frontdoublebiceps , frontbicep , muscleimprove

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