'Often women finds it difficult to get rid of the stubborn fat concentrated around their hips and thighs. Due to our sedentary lifestyles and lack of exercise, we tend to accumulate fat in the hips and thighs. So, you need to concentrate and work on these areas. Here are 5 Yoga Poses for Slim Thighs and Hips. Watch more: 21frames.in/yogaandyou Like us: facebook.com/VentunoYoga Subscribe: youtube.com/user/VentunoYoga Follow us: instagram.com/ventunoyoga Follow us: twitter.com/VentunoYoga A Ventuno Production http://www.ventunotech.com'
Tags: fitness , exercise , yoga , english , healthy living , home yoga , beginners yoga , yoga practice , yoga pose , Warrior Pose , yoga basics , slim thighs , Yogasana , Chair Pose , slim hips , bridge pose , yoga posture , ventunoyoga , The yogic head stand , locust pose , Baddhakonasana
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