'In this video I’m going to completely discredit Michael Mosley and his SBS television show … “Trust Me, I\'m A Doctor” - particularly, the topic of protein supplements discussed recently. I’n my rebuttal I will show you exactly why I think he’s a misleading, hot winded, sensationalist. Plus, if you stay with me to the end, I’ll teach you exactly how to maximise muscle growth based on - current - published scientific research. The thing is, Michael Mosley - although makes for a great journalist - doesn’t actually have a very good understanding of nutrition or exercise. In fact, his knowledge on the matters - when compared to say - an authority on protein synthesis, or exercise and sports science, is very poor. If we were to compare him to Professor Stuart Phillips, PhD, from the Department of Kinesiology and Director, at the Physical Activity Centre of Excellence. Or perhaps, Professor John Hawley. John is currently Head of the Exercise & Nutrition Research Group and Professor of Exercise Metabolism in the Department of Exercise Sciences at ACU. He doesn’t come close … Professor Phillip’s work is centred around the critical topic on the maintenance of metabolically active muscle tissue and its relation to optimal health. I’d say, he definitely qualifies as an authority figure on the topic of protein synthesis and protein intake. And Professor Hawley has published over 200 scientific manuscripts, written over 80 articles for technical journals and has authored numerous book chapters for exercise biochemistry and sports medicine texts. John currently sits on the Editorial Boards of many international journals including the American Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology and Metabolism. Other American journals he’s on the board for include: The Journal of Applied Physiology, The International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, plus, Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise … In addition he’s on the board of the (UK) Journal of Sports Sciences; and New Zealand’s The Journal Of Sports Medicine. His lab’s research includes the interaction of exercise and diet on skeletal muscle metabolism; the molecular bases of exercise training adaptation; the cellular bases underlying exercise-induced improvements in insulin action; and exercise-nutrient interventions for weight loss. He is a consultant for several professional sports teams in Europe and Australia and a regular invited speaker at numerous international conferences every year. Rad and I have both been extremely lucky to meet John in person and hear him speak live on two occasions right here in Sydney, Australia. I will suggest that Professor John Hawley definitely qualifies as an authority figure on the topic of protein synthesis and protein intake. In fact we have a whole team of great exercise and sports scientists and nutrition scientist right here in Australia who are literally fronting the research on muscles, metabolism and protein synthesis.'
Tags: protein , strength training , building muscle , body building , muscle building , Weights Training , protein supplements , Michael Mosley , Muscle Protein Synthesis , yani burmeister , Protein Research , SBS Televion , Protein Documentary
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