'DONATE if you want https://www.paypal.me/MARIAKHOREVA Today’s full body workout (fat burning) is only 25 minutes long and it’s going to burn your calories and fat as well as tone your leg and core muscles. We’re doing 3 rounds of cardio moves: 1. Lunge + front kick L 2. Lunge + front kick R 3. Turned out burpees 4. Mountain climbers + plank jacks 5. Pile jump + arabesque lift 6. Sweeping side lunge 7. Jumping jacks + high knees 8. Plank back kicks And these are going to go for 40 seconds on and 10 seconds rest. And after that we will finish the workout with the 7 minute total abs burnout round. I hope you enjoy this routine! https://mariakhoreva.com https://instagram.com/marachok https://youtube.com/mariakhoreva https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maria_Khoreva https://www.mariinsky.ru/en/company/ballet/soloists/first_soloists/dancers1/khoreva1'
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