'Level THREE | NO equipment, NO jumping, ALL standing | BURNS 250 - 275 calories It\'s Thorough Thursday, Killer Bs, and this low impact workout is really covering all the bases with CARDIO (no jumping - yay!) and BODYWEIGHT STRENGTH. The exercises are simple and the intervals are manageable, but the burn is real! We\'re getting a total body burnout in just 30 minutes. Kick off your shoes for this barefoot workout that burns well over 200 calories and builds lean muscles without equipment. SET UP: Interval timer is set for 20 seconds; complete one cardio exercise plus one strength exercise before resting; perform the pair of exercises 3x in a row before moving on. WARM UP: Arm Circles with High Knees Arm Crossers with Booty Kickers Welcome to My Homes with Tap Backs EXERCISES: Windmills + High Arm Circles No Jumping Washing Machines + Side Bends Rainbow Kicks + Side Kick and Side Knee (left side) Punch Punch Kicks + Side Kick and Side Knee (right side) Booty Kicker Jacks + Elevator Arms High Knee Twists + Standing Cross Body Crunches Squat Jacks + Squats FINISHER: Flying Airplane Crunches (2 intervals on each side) COOL DOWN: https://youtu.be/V2CTHi7R6Pc // FOLLOW
Tags: fitness , low impact , home workout , Pahla B , Pahla Bowers , pahla b low impact , paula b , full body workout , at home workout , bodyweight workout , total body workout , home workout without equipment , total body , low impact workout , low impact cardio , low impact cardio workout , fun workout , bodyweight home workout , 30 minute cardio workout , barefoot cardio , barefoot exercise , barefoot workout , low impact home workout , low impact cardio routine , total body barefoot workout
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